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Our greatest natural resource
is the minds of our children


Where work and play come together

Our School

Ballymena Nursery School is a preschool setting in the centre of Ballymena, providing preschool education for 104 children per year. Each year we have 4 part-time classes, with 2 adults and 26 children in each class. Since being established in 1967, approximately 4000 pre-school children have enjoyed the benefits of pre-school education in Ballymena Nursery School. The Nursery was built on the grounds of the Adair Family estate in 1967, where the Adair Castle originally stood. While there have been many changes to the Nursery, we keep our historical castle theme in mind during our play. Please have a look at our online galleries to see around our Nursery, or feel free to contact us to make an appointment to look around.

read more about our school

What is special about our Nursery School

Vision & Mission Statements

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    Our Mission

    We aim to enable children in a friendly and caring atmosphere and through stimulating play, to develop to their full potential in every aspect of growth

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    Our Vision

    Since 1967 Ballymena Nursery School has strived and will continue to strive to provide high quality pre-school learning opportunities for young children within a happy, caring and secure learning environment.

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    Our Ethos

    At Ballymena Nursery School, we pride ourselves in providing a warm, welcoming and safe environment which is respectful and supportive of everyone.

We operate a morning and afternoon session in each classroom

Our Classes

Our exclusive curricula, combined with our own digital lesson planning tool, enable teachers to create personalized learning experiences, appropriate to every age group.

Classroom Image

Your child is busy learning, approaching the world with curiosity and seeking a sense of belonging. ...

Enrollment: 26

Staff Ratio: 1:13

Classroom Image

Your child is busy learning, approaching the world with curiosity and seeking a sense of belonging. ...

Enrollment: 26

Staff Ratio: 1:13

We've Created a little Promo Video for 2021

We invite you into our school community to have a quick glimpse of a day in the life of our school

imgview video

Ballymena Nursery School


As a controlled nursery school we are open to all

The Controlled Schools’ Support Council supports controlled schools, which are open to all faiths and none, in providing high quality education for children and young people to enable them to learn, develop and grow together, within the ethos of non-denominational Christian values and principles.


Read on to understand our differene

Why Choose ChildiT

  1. Home-like Environment

    Children are comfortable and confident in their home, feeling safe and secure to explore and learn.

  2. Loving Language

    90% success rate of children reading before they go to school for children attending more than 12 months.

  3. 30 Day Moneyback Guarantee

    If you’re not completely satisfied we will refund your money, no questions asked.

  4. Culture of Honour

    We aim to help all people that come into contact with ChildiT to feel Significant, Appreciated and Understood.

  5. Orientation Process

    Makes the process of you and your child settling into care with ChildiT that much smoother.

  6. Quality Educators

    Trusted, highly trained and hand-picked Educators. We believe that educators play a huge role in quality child care.



Children graduated since 1967



Children enrolled per year



Classroom sessions per year



Snacks per class per year

From the Blog

Latest News


by Ballymena Nursery


Come along to our Open Day on Friday, 8th December. Choose the time which suits you best and drop in to view our facilities and have a chat with o...

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